Non-supported models

If you're not using LangChain or OpenAI, you can still integrate Lunary with your own LLMs.

Method 1: wrapModel

In addition to the lunary.wrapAgent & lunary.wrapTool methods, we provide a wrapModel method.

It allows to wrap any async function. It also takes the following options:

const wrapped = lunary.wrapModel(yourLlmModel, {
nameParser: (args) => 'custom-model-1.3', // name of the model used
inputParser: (args) => { // parse the input to message format
return [{
role: 'system',
text: args.systemPrompt
}, {
role: 'user',
text: args.userPrompt
extraParser: (args) => { // Report any extre properties like temperature
return {
temperature: args.temperature,
outputParser: (result) => { // Parse the result
return {
role: 'ai',
text: result.content,
tokensUsageParser: async (result) => { // Return the number of tokens used
return {
completion: 10
prompt: 10

Method 2: .trackEvent

If you don't want to wrap your model, you can also use the lunary.trackEvent method.

First, track the start of your query:

// Report the start of the model
const runId = 'some-unique-id'
name: 'custom-model-1.3',
input: [{
role: 'system',
text: args.systemPrompt
}, {
role: 'user',
text: args.userPrompt
extra: {
temperature: args.temperature,

Run your model:

const result = await yourLlmModel('Hello!')

Then, track the result of your query:

output: {
role: 'ai',
text: result.content,
tokensUsage: {
completion: 10
prompt: 10


Input & output can be any object or array of object, however we recommend using the ChatMessage format:

interface ChatMessage {
role: "user" | "ai" | "system" | "function"
text: string
functions?: cJSON[]
functionCall?: {
name: string
arguments: cJSON

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